The Outpatient Ophthalmic Surgery Society (OOSS) is the only organization dedicated exclusively to the ophthalmic-driven ambulatory surgical center (ASC). For over three decades, OOSS has represented the interests of ophthalmic-driven ASCs in Washington, working with Congress, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the ophthalmic and ambulatory surgery center community, and industry partners. OOSS is also well known in the industry as the organization that conducts an annual survey for clinical and business benchmarking, the only survey of its kind designed specifically for ophthalmic ASCs. Not content to rest on its laurels, OOSS launched an elegant new cloud-based Dynamic Benchmarking platform that features a secure and confidential data collection tool with expanded features called OOSSMark ASC Performance Metrics. This new survey enables participating facilities to evaluate year-over-year performance, as well as compare their performance with that of other ophthalmic-driven ASCs across the country. “In the past, we were limited in what we could do, because the survey required manual calculations and tallying,” says Member Services Consultant Albert Castillo. “With this new platform, all data are collected electronically and graphs and charts can be generated for reporting to ASC owners.”